As of January 1, 2018, training attendance records will no longer be entered into the Regional Training Center’s CEU Database. The RTC has been entering credit for all applicable trainings into the ECE-TRIS database for over seven years which makes keeping our own database unnecessary. We will still continue to keep training sign-in sheets for the last seven years. Training transcripts are available to you 24/7 when you login to the ECE-TRIS system.
Early Care and Education Training Records Information System (TRIS)
The Berea RTC enters applicable trainings into the ECE-TRIS Database. This database is an Early Care and Education database created to store and maintain individual training records for Early Care and Education professionals in Kentucky. ECE-TRIS provides 24-hour access for viewing and printing training records information.
Since the implementation of the All-Stars initiative, we encourage ALL training participants to use this system. This program should be used by school district teachers and aides; licensed, certified and registered child care professionals; Kentucky Early Care and Education credentialed trainers; early care and education training agencies; Cabinet for Health and Family Services staff; and early care and education partners.
Access the ECE-TRIS database HERE. You will find instructions for logging in for the first time directly under the username and password fields.
Early Care and Education Training Records Information System (TRIS)
The Berea RTC enters applicable trainings into the ECE-TRIS Database. This database is an Early Care and Education database created to store and maintain individual training records for Early Care and Education professionals in Kentucky. ECE-TRIS provides 24-hour access for viewing and printing training records information.
Since the implementation of the All-Stars initiative, we encourage ALL training participants to use this system. This program should be used by school district teachers and aides; licensed, certified and registered child care professionals; Kentucky Early Care and Education credentialed trainers; early care and education training agencies; Cabinet for Health and Family Services staff; and early care and education partners.
Access the ECE-TRIS database HERE. You will find instructions for logging in for the first time directly under the username and password fields.